Rapid deployment of emergency services if viewed activity calls for such action.
Check in on your building and staff any time of day, from anywhere.
Know when things happen instead of guessing — garbage removal, fires, snow removal, trades performing on-site work, deliveries, move in’s/out’s, and views of building infrastructure for power, heat, and water.
Check into potentially fraudulent claims against the property — workers’ compensation, slips and falls, etc.
Ability to issue lease violations against tenants causing harm to the building or affecting the quality of life for other tenants.
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T: (844) 735-4723
F: (212) 758-8090
Founded in 2009, Reliant Safety provides comprehensive building management and security solutions for the multi-family housing market, educational facilities, office buildings, and all other real estate sectors. Building owners and managers rely on Reliant Safety to assess threats and monitor surveillance for situational awareness and effective management of over 20,000 residential units nationwide.
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